Andrew Lancel can understand why there are many people who could be responsible for murdering his 'Coronation Street' alter-ego, Frank Foster, because he has upset so many people
Andrew Lancel can understand why there are many suspects for murdering his 'Coronation Street' alter-ego. Evil factory boss Frank Foster will be found dead next week leaving viewers of the ITV1 soap wondering who did it, but the actor thinks each of the five suspects Carla Connor, Kevin Webster, Michelle Connor, Peter Barlow and Sally Webster have valid reasons for murdering him. He said: "Frank's made a lot of enemies on the street for a lot of different reasons. He's been monstrous, horrendous. "Frank dies, but who did it and why? You've got Michelle Connor - Frank has basically ruined her working life. You've got Peter Barlow - Frank is responsible for him getting back on the bottle, and Frank assaulted his beloved Carla Connor. With… (more)